Welcome to my on-line Journal

On this page you will find links to my other journal entries, a weekly poll to answer, a link to my profile so you can learn more about me, this week's Journal entry, and all my followers. I should have a new Journal entry at least once a week, I hope you enjoy my journal.

March 8, 2010

The Starting Place

The Starting Place

Feb 21st 2010


Welcome, welcome, come sit down and begin the most fascinating journal you will ever begin to read! Or at least the most not so boring Journal you will ever begin to read. I guess the idea behind a journal is that you actually have something to write about, a wildly wonderful subject that you can go on and on about for about a page and a half(that seems like a good sized journal entry to me).

This is how ever not the idea behind mine, because quite often when I sit down and try to “journal” I sit there for about half an hour and get nothing done except a snazzy title like the one I have above. Thank god I got passed it this time. No this journal will be different, this journal will be about nothing really. It will be about how my day went or how it is projected to go, or how I hope it will go.

Most of it will be talking about my continuing journey towards graduation at the end of June. So far it has gone well, I have passed everything last semester and all I have to do really is pass all my courses this semester. And I suppose I have to take part in the preparation for the big night, you know take part in the grad meetings, and write my “parent appreciation” speech I have to read at the ceremony. I suppose have to help with all that but I don’t really want to, all I want to do is get through these last few months and get the hell out of this town. It sounds bad but unless you know my history and my family’s history in this town and the school you would understand.
After I graduate I am hoping to move to Brandon with my friend Tracy Ferris, that’s assuming of course that Tracy will make her mind up on whether she should come with me or not. She graduated last year and has been working since then. She had a brief relationship with a guy named Michal Charles. He is the same Michal Charles that dated my other friend, Kayla Ferris (yes their sisters) last summer for about a month.

Michal is one of those guys who pretend to be a nice guy, a guy that wants a relationship and goes with it for a while so that he can get some then after a while get bored of the girl and dumps her. Kayla understood this, when she dated him after a while, she got rid of him first. Tracy how ever did not understand this, when he told her that he really liked her and could possibly love her. She believed him, it was horrible to watch, but what could I do? If I told her what I thought I would be the bad guy, I’d had enough of being the bad guy so I kept my mouth shut. When Michal did get tired of her I was there to wipe the tears away and tell her it would be ok. and since then Trace has been on the line between going with me and staying here. I’m hoping she comes with me I will need some company in Brandon, plus someone to help pay the rent.

Any way that what is in the not so far future for me (or at least I hope so) the immediate future is more depressing. I have school on Monday, at least the day starts with Geography. It is a grade twelve level course and is taught by Ms. Elliot. She is one of the fiercest teachers I know at Elkhorn school, she doesn’t take crap and will call you on it if she thinks you deserve it. The nature of the course is actually very interesting, we use a course called GIS I do not know the whole name. It is a program used to make maps on the computer, it is actually, much more than that, and Ms. Elliot would gasp at my description of it if she read it but that is the best I can do. Sadly though there is only one more person in the class with me, Kassandra Twigg, a person with whom I have a history of well a history full of snippy little comments and at times rude outbursts of thoughts and feelings. In other words, we have had our little tiffs and disagreements.

All my other classes are much to boring to talk about in the most not so boring journal you will ever begin to read. What else is there to say? Well I haven’t talked about my day, should I do that?

Hmm if you insist then.

Today I woke up at 11:12, took care of some personal business, and then headed down stairs. I found my mom sitting in her chair in the living room reading, a usual occurrence on Sunday and Saturday mornings. I saw in the kitchen that the dishes were still piling in the sink; I cursed my dad for not doing them this morning under my breath and dreaded doing them later. I didn’t want to eat I rarely ever do, my usual is vanilla yogurt, juice, and my stomach pill. That is what I started to get out, I switched on the radio (yes I listen to the radio) and Michal Enright’s Sunday edition five hundred and eighty two. I’m assuming so anyway because he said the five hundred and eighty three was coming next week. There was half an hour left and I caught an interesting interview and some good songs. As usual his voice droned on and almost put me to sleep. The last little blurb on the show was a woman who was writing a blog about her sick mother. That is what sparked the idea to write my blog about nothing. After Michal had finished droning on and announced that number five hundred and eighty three was coming in seven days, the news started. They started going on about the Olympics, talked about a Canadian, who played some stupid sport, who got fifth and was just seconds away from getting the gold. I thought it was kinda of stupid to talk about him if he got fifth I don’t care if it was the best race of his life. I didn’t wanna hear about him if he didn’t get a gold. Then finally Stuart started, Stuart McLean’s Vinyl Cafe, sort of like those old variety shows you used to hear on the radios in the forty’s. I listen to it every Sunday at noon and it has been during that show that I have wrote my journal. Today I have to clean the kitty litter, and help with the dishes after that I hope to relax and maybe watch a little TV.

I hope you have enjoyed the first instalment in “The most not so boring journal you will ever read”

Hating life and this town


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