Welcome to my on-line Journal

On this page you will find links to my other journal entries, a weekly poll to answer, a link to my profile so you can learn more about me, this week's Journal entry, and all my followers. I should have a new Journal entry at least once a week, I hope you enjoy my journal.

March 17, 2010

Equality For All

 March 16th 2010


Hello and sorry for the lateness it has been a busy weekend for me. Dealing with school, life, and my personal worries.(not having a boyfriend, the people around me hating me, and the general OMG IM GONNA DIE!!!!)

This last week has been very annoying, as I was in a stupor of slight depression all week due to a couple of incidents that really made me mad/upset. I won't go into details, but suffice it to say it involved homophobic remarks and a huge idiot who thinks himself very important. After discussing it with my mom(I know pathetic but it helped me feel better), I started thinking about why attitudes like that still persist in our schools. at first my anger wouldn’t let me think anything accept "stupid bloody fucking town!". However, after a while it came to me, education, or lack thereof.

All through history, prejudices have persisted through lack of information about the prejudiced group, thing, or person. It is the same with the ideas and prejudices about homosexuals, in my opinion it is all thanks to religion and I don’t just mean Christians, Catholics, and any other church based on those churches. I mean other religions like the ones that are practised in the Middle East. most factions of these religions are the ones responsible for the bad attitudes. How does this relate to my whole epiphany i talked about? well in my opinion these religions didn't base their opinions and attitudes on fact but on ideas that came from their bible or god. They didn't take time to realize that were not horrible sinning freaks, they got this idea of us in their heads and refused to see that they may have been wrong.

Another reason in my opinion is that beginning in the fifties many people started to confuse Homosexuals with
Pedophiles. People not only got the "gays are sinners" message but also the "eww you disgusting perverts" message. It also didn’t help that Homosexuality was listed as a mental health disorder(they thought it was a defect in the brain like schizophrenia, or Bi polar) till like sometime in the nineties. so up until the middle of the 1990s we had all these arrogant idiots telling people to hate us.

And the cause of it all? LACK OF EDUCATION!!!

It seems like such a simple thing right?

Guess not because people still refuse to educate themselves about homosexuality before forming an opinion.

Now granted things are a lot better, in Canada we can marry, there are numerous programs in the city where we can get help, counselling, and hang out with others like us, pride celebrations are in most cities now a days, and most peoples attitudes are better than they used to be. It's just that the people whose attitudes haven't changed that is keeping us back from achieving a better life for gays everywhere. The only thing it would take is education in the schools about homosexuals and homosexuality and I think that slowly attitudes would change. Also an absolute no nonsense policy on homophobic remarks and bullying.

Now if I haven't completely bored you and your still reading I hope u have enjoyed my rantings.

Please leave a comment if you have anything to say

Hating life and this Town (Even More)

March 8, 2010

THE ACADEMY AWARDS and body image in the gay world WTF

THE ACADEMY AWARDS and body image in the gay world WTF

March 7th 2010-March 8th 2010


Hello everyone I’m sure the title doesn’t surprise you because me being gay and it being the night of the academy awards and all. I guess I felt obliged to do an entry on the awards since I am gay and, as you know every gay man is ordered to adore them by the GWL(Gay World Leaders)

For me the awards this year was pretty good. I was surprised at how many times “hurt locker” beat out Avatar, even winning best picture and director. I was so sure, as was everybody else I’m sure, that avatar was going to win. I mean for months now they have been harping and wooing over the dam film. It almost made me not want to watch it, just because of all the good stuff and bad stuff everybody was saying about it. Tonight however has renewed my excitement in the movie and I am going to rent it first thing when it comes out on DVD.

Another movie that caught my interest was “A single man” it is about George a college professor who’se long term life partner dies. It seems like a good movie and makes me happy to see Hollywood is finally portraying gay life not as anonymous sex and drugs but full of committed, loving, and caring relationships. i hope to see it soon.

Ok the last little thing on the academy awards is the hosts, this year it was Steve Martin and Alex Baldwin. I found them very stupid and not funny, at times even offensive. Their jokes were cheesy, and their witty banter was just annoying. In my opinion they were trying way to hard.

Ok my last complaint for this blog is the gay community’s body image, now I am just a small town guy but what I have seen on face book, manhunt, and other social networking sites scares me. now let me explain. What I have seen is a gay community that is obsessed with being skinny hunky and hot. I have had guys turn me down because my weight is posted as “a little extra” or “heavy set”

What right to we have to shun our own for something that can’t control when we ourselves are shunned for the very same thing. It’s so hypocritical and I wish it wasn’t so. I want to be able to walk into a gay bar and not get stared at because I am over 200.

Now I hope you have enjoyed reading and I wish you a great week ahead and hope your last week was full of good things. I tell you please comment or email me at andylamy2004@yahoo.ca if u have any comments , questions or suggestions.

Hating life and this town (A little less)


Virus on Face Book, Spam Everywhere and the curse of the Monday Morning at Elkhorn school

Virus on Face Book, Spam Everywhere and the curse of the Monday Morning at Elkhorn school

March 1st 2010


ARGH! I officially hate Face Book right now, seriously, I do, I really really hate it. I also hate the person who ever made that stupid sims 3 virus. It has been one of the most frustration evenings of my life, people I don’t even know yelling at me on face book for something I can’t control. GRR curse you Sims3 and your alluring application. Although I should have known after I clicked the little allow button all the links were dead but alas I think I have stopped it. I deleted the ten albums it had created on my face book. If anyone gets more comments on their pics please tell me.

Today has been an all around bad Monday. However, when has there been a good Monday? I’m not sure what it is about Elkhorn school that completely dive bombs at your spirits as you walk in the door. I suppose it’s everybody’s fake cheerfulness and niceness. It’s really sickening because you know that all those smiles on all those faces are just a mask, everybody is just as miserable as you are. At least that’s how I see it, you ask any kid in Elkhorn school that isn’t a big headed hockey star. They will tell you how miserable Monday mornings are. Although I’m sure, you won’t find a gay one like me. sigh. I hope someone out there has had a better Monday than I.

I have been complaining about this for a while, it has been getting worse steadily over the last few years. I don’t have a any studies but I have noticed something about all these social networking sites. Spam! I’m not kidding and I don’t mean just stupid offers, things like chain letters! I’ve gotten face book messages from complete strangers warning that if I don’t pass them on bad things would happen. I have gotton comments on my tagged page, my myspace page, and high five page of the same nature. It really bugs me, is it not enough that we have to endure these stupid chain letters and stupid offers in our email, now we have to deal with them on our networking sites! I say we shouldn’t have to, I say stop these stupid little messages of doom and get on with your lives.

I am sorry for the delay I will try and be more consistant in my posts from now on, again I ask anyone who has someting to say comment and I will reply in my posts. I hope you all are having a better Monday then I am

Hating life and this town


Relationships, Beauty Salons, and after graduation

Relationships, Beauty Salons, and after graduation

Feb 22nd 2010


Hello and welcome to the second instalment of The most not so boring journal you will ever begin to read. Today’s topic is stated above and I don’t really feel like repeating it so if you have forgotten already please take a moment and look.

Ok now have you looked and made sure you remember?


In my experience relationships can be risky, at least that’s how I have found them. In my short time dealing with them I have been, let’s say, enormously stupid. Most of mine have been online interactions full of late night MSN conversations, romantic Emails, and empty promises. Only one relationship has ever been with someone living in the same town as me. That was not what you would call a “relationship” so much as two people meeting and, well, doing things for each other. It taught me many things and caused me to discover who I am today.

Quite recently though, I went through a period in my life where I sought after a certain type of relationship that my kind is most recognized for. Yes, I’m talking about one night stands, I thought that if I could get these horned up, sex crazed, egomaniacs to want me then I would have the confidence to go after the good guys. I found out that it was the opposite, if I didn’t have the confidence to go after the good guys I most certainly didn;t have the the confidence to go after the other type of men.

Probably the worst part of this time in my life is that I seemed to have an appetite for older men, I pursued 30-45 year old men and did things for them that I will not say here. Thank god I only ever met one of these men and only chatted with the rest.

The one I did meet was, on the surface, a nice guy. I was only with him for an hour and did not do much before he had to go. I snapped out of this phase after trying and becoming very close to meet a man named Philip. He was 44 and seemed very nice, it wasn’t until a day before we were scheduled to meet that I suddenly clued in why he was being so understanding of my situation(that being that I had no way of getting anywhere). He had a car and kept saying he could drive me out to his place and back nobody would have to know, we would be back in no time. After that I was scared and thought I better not risk it. I texted him, and told him it was off.

That was just about two weeks ago since then I have met someone who seems promising. Yes, I did meet him over the net but he lives in a nearby community and seems very nice.

Have you ever sat down and tried to figure out how many hours you have sat inside a beauty salon? If you are a girl I am sure it is an impossible task but if you are guy them I bet you could have get a ball park.

Last Saturday Feb 20th 2010 I awoke to my mother banging on my door asking if I wanted to go to Brandon with Kayla. Apparently she had called that morning, I told my mom sure and she told me to get up because Kayla was coming with the car. I checked my cell and sure enough there was a text from Kayla asking the question my mom had asked me just seconds before. I texted back “sure” just to be safe and went down stairs.

Now eventually Kayla did come back with the car(her sister Tracy’s car), and picked me up and we went on our way to Brandon. The ride there we talked and caught up on what was new in each other’s lives. Kayla and I don’t see each other very often because she transferred from Elkhorn school to Wowata school this semester because she moved closer to Wowata than here. We planned to get her hair done and then go shopping and maybe visit my brother Paul, his two kids, and Girlfriend Jo. We went around to three different hair places in Brandon and finally got an appointment at one in the mall for twelve.

Now this is where the guesswork I had you do comes in handy. We arrived at the Beauty salon at twelve they started in on Kayla’s hair. I hung out there for a while then went back to the car to take the dog for a walk. (Oh yes we had a dog with us) after that I went back in the mall and walked around for a bit, then I went back to sit down and wait. I looked at magazines, hair books, and the other customers. At one o’clock they were still not done, I don’t remember at what point they were at in the “making Kayla look all perdy “ process but not very far. I went to the bathroom to pass the time and on the way back I window shopped a bit. When I got back it was one thirty, they were still not done. I sat down again and started doing what I do best looking around and noticing how many of the guys were cute or hot. A few of them were but they almost never caught my eye and if they did they usually scowled and looked away. Also the other hair dressers, mostly women, were giving me snotty little looks as if my beinghere and not being a customer was offensive to the rest of the workers and customers. I smiled politely to their faces and subconsciously gave them the finger.

The rest of the time I sat there and stared at the wall, flipping open and closed my dead cell. Finally at three o’clock Kayla came up two me looking much better and prettier then she had before and said “I’m done let’s go” I sighed with relief and got up.

Now you may be asking yourself I just related my boring Saturday tale.

Well because I want know if any other guys have had the same experience as me and if you share my feelings of frustration and boredom, and because I had to get it out to somebody and my journal seemed the perfect person. I hope who ever reads it can sympathise.

The last thing I want to talk about is after graduation, I know I talked about it in my last entry but I feel it needs more attention. Even if it is five months away, I feel like it was just outside the door. I feel as though the time I have left to get things together and wrapped up is slipping away. As if I’m trying to drink from the one of insanely small sinks at school and the water keeps gliding out of my hand. Except it’s not water I’m trying to hold onto it’s time. I cannot be the only one who feels like this, who has this feeling of unreadyness.(yes I made up a word sue me!)

If you are one of these people leave a comment and tell me about it. Also if anybody has any ideas on Topics I could cover please feel free to suggest them.

Now I suppose I should talk for a short bit about my day.

Well today was good, it went fairly fast and I did not feel as lonely and depressed as I have in the past few days, mainly because of my friend Tracy who came home with me after school and hung out for a bit. It was a day of contemplation and thought. I like those days.

Hating life and this town


The Starting Place

The Starting Place

Feb 21st 2010


Welcome, welcome, come sit down and begin the most fascinating journal you will ever begin to read! Or at least the most not so boring Journal you will ever begin to read. I guess the idea behind a journal is that you actually have something to write about, a wildly wonderful subject that you can go on and on about for about a page and a half(that seems like a good sized journal entry to me).

This is how ever not the idea behind mine, because quite often when I sit down and try to “journal” I sit there for about half an hour and get nothing done except a snazzy title like the one I have above. Thank god I got passed it this time. No this journal will be different, this journal will be about nothing really. It will be about how my day went or how it is projected to go, or how I hope it will go.

Most of it will be talking about my continuing journey towards graduation at the end of June. So far it has gone well, I have passed everything last semester and all I have to do really is pass all my courses this semester. And I suppose I have to take part in the preparation for the big night, you know take part in the grad meetings, and write my “parent appreciation” speech I have to read at the ceremony. I suppose have to help with all that but I don’t really want to, all I want to do is get through these last few months and get the hell out of this town. It sounds bad but unless you know my history and my family’s history in this town and the school you would understand.
After I graduate I am hoping to move to Brandon with my friend Tracy Ferris, that’s assuming of course that Tracy will make her mind up on whether she should come with me or not. She graduated last year and has been working since then. She had a brief relationship with a guy named Michal Charles. He is the same Michal Charles that dated my other friend, Kayla Ferris (yes their sisters) last summer for about a month.

Michal is one of those guys who pretend to be a nice guy, a guy that wants a relationship and goes with it for a while so that he can get some then after a while get bored of the girl and dumps her. Kayla understood this, when she dated him after a while, she got rid of him first. Tracy how ever did not understand this, when he told her that he really liked her and could possibly love her. She believed him, it was horrible to watch, but what could I do? If I told her what I thought I would be the bad guy, I’d had enough of being the bad guy so I kept my mouth shut. When Michal did get tired of her I was there to wipe the tears away and tell her it would be ok. and since then Trace has been on the line between going with me and staying here. I’m hoping she comes with me I will need some company in Brandon, plus someone to help pay the rent.

Any way that what is in the not so far future for me (or at least I hope so) the immediate future is more depressing. I have school on Monday, at least the day starts with Geography. It is a grade twelve level course and is taught by Ms. Elliot. She is one of the fiercest teachers I know at Elkhorn school, she doesn’t take crap and will call you on it if she thinks you deserve it. The nature of the course is actually very interesting, we use a course called GIS I do not know the whole name. It is a program used to make maps on the computer, it is actually, much more than that, and Ms. Elliot would gasp at my description of it if she read it but that is the best I can do. Sadly though there is only one more person in the class with me, Kassandra Twigg, a person with whom I have a history of well a history full of snippy little comments and at times rude outbursts of thoughts and feelings. In other words, we have had our little tiffs and disagreements.

All my other classes are much to boring to talk about in the most not so boring journal you will ever begin to read. What else is there to say? Well I haven’t talked about my day, should I do that?

Hmm if you insist then.

Today I woke up at 11:12, took care of some personal business, and then headed down stairs. I found my mom sitting in her chair in the living room reading, a usual occurrence on Sunday and Saturday mornings. I saw in the kitchen that the dishes were still piling in the sink; I cursed my dad for not doing them this morning under my breath and dreaded doing them later. I didn’t want to eat I rarely ever do, my usual is vanilla yogurt, juice, and my stomach pill. That is what I started to get out, I switched on the radio (yes I listen to the radio) and Michal Enright’s Sunday edition five hundred and eighty two. I’m assuming so anyway because he said the five hundred and eighty three was coming next week. There was half an hour left and I caught an interesting interview and some good songs. As usual his voice droned on and almost put me to sleep. The last little blurb on the show was a woman who was writing a blog about her sick mother. That is what sparked the idea to write my blog about nothing. After Michal had finished droning on and announced that number five hundred and eighty three was coming in seven days, the news started. They started going on about the Olympics, talked about a Canadian, who played some stupid sport, who got fifth and was just seconds away from getting the gold. I thought it was kinda of stupid to talk about him if he got fifth I don’t care if it was the best race of his life. I didn’t wanna hear about him if he didn’t get a gold. Then finally Stuart started, Stuart McLean’s Vinyl Cafe, sort of like those old variety shows you used to hear on the radios in the forty’s. I listen to it every Sunday at noon and it has been during that show that I have wrote my journal. Today I have to clean the kitty litter, and help with the dishes after that I hope to relax and maybe watch a little TV.

I hope you have enjoyed the first instalment in “The most not so boring journal you will ever read”

Hating life and this town
